Monday, April 11, 2011

Beating the Blues with Shukr

Assalamu Alaykum

We have all felt a little down about ourselves - our looks, our personality... We have all put ourselves down.. I found this article very inspiring Mashallah, it really sets things straight.

Beating the Blues with Shukr -
"... I’d like to present an idea that helped me deal with a lot of problems: shukr. Yeah. Thankfulness. You might ask why and how thankfulness has anything to do with all of the above. Well, the answer is simple: our minds, our hearts, and our bodies do not belong to us; they are in fact, a gift from Allah. And when we abuse ourselves, by putting ourselves down, we are actually showing ungratefulness to Allah’s creation! It shows our discontentment and our displeasure with the very blessings Allah has given us. Instead of being grateful and using these blessings in a manner that pleases Him, we reach a very high level of ungratefulness when we tell ourselves we are just not good enough."
- taken from the abovementioned link