Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Insomnia and other musings

Assalamu Alaikum

I've been having so much trouble sleeping these last few weeks.. especially the last couple of nights. I am so exhausted. My head is so heavy that it feels like I'm carrying a stones in my head, my eyes are swollen and extremely heavy. But at the same time I can't get them to stay closed. My body is aching, I have trouble walking a straight line and I am so weak. And my mind keeps switching between racing at 100 miles an hour to blank emptiness. But no sleep. I've tried warm milk and honey, warm milk without the honey, hot showers, walks before bedtime, and even sleeping pills. But still no sleep. The only time I manage to fall asleep is about an hour before the alarm goes off for Fajr. And after I pray and read some Qur'an the cycle starts all over again. Sometimes I manage 2-3hrs, sometimes not even that. And I am so exhausted... Sometimes I'd do anything for a decent nights sleep.

I'm still babysitting my little niece most days of the week. She is such a little angel. Mashallah. I miss her so much when her mum takes her to kindy. We have so much fun together and I just love her to bits :) Even with all my tiredness and lack of sleep we get through the day with no dramas or tantrums (well apart from the occasional tantrum but we settle that down pretty quick - she is a toddler afterall)... Its like she understands what I'm going through and listens to everything. Mashallah.

I was fasting today and Inshallah tomorrow I will finish making up my missed fasts from last Ramadan. I know I left it a bit too late, but with the heat and humidity of summer around here it gets hard. But its "winter" now so I'll enjoy it while it lasts - the entire month. Its already starting to heat up. But Alhamdulillah.

Oh, and I bought this garment steamer from KMart yesterday. And it is soooo good. I absolutely hate ironing clothes so I was so happy to pull it out and finally take control over the ironing basket. It takes a little longer than the iron but the clothes are so refreshed and there's no crinkles or burns like you get from ironing. I especially loved using it to 'iron' shirts and my hijabs. I don't know if others get this as well, but i normally have to go over my hijab like 4-5 times with an iron to get it wrinkle-free. But with this thing you just do it once and its all good. Alhamdulillah. I'm really happy so far.

My holidays are almost over and it feels like they've been such a waste. I didn't get anything done.. I even completely forgot about applying for clerkships. This insomnia is really taking a hold of me. I really wish I could have gone somewhere, even just for the day. But I still have the weekend Inshallah, you never know - I might get a surprise outing... lol who am I kidding???

Anyway... my mind is going blank again so I'm gonna try getting some sleep again. I took my sleeping pills and I think they might be starting to take effect. Judging from exerience I only have a teeny tiny window to fall asleep before the effect wears away. Inshallah tonight I will get some rest.
