Monday, March 28, 2011

Looking for the Ring

Assalamu Alaykum

I think its time to buy "the ring". We've been looking for quite a while.. I found a few that I liked, but by the time I get back home, call the fiancĂ©,  and get back out to the shop again - it's either sold or the sale's over and its well and truly over the budget. And I'm really picky when it comes to jewellery so that doesn't make it any easier. I've had my eye on a couple of rings. We went to the shops yesterday to pick one out and at least put it on layby but unfortunately we found out that 3 of those are sold out. And even though I was given the option of ordering them in, the cost was blown up way out of what we are prepared to pay. So now there is only one. It's a little bit pricey but hey, you only get married once, Inshallah.

I think this is the one, but I would love to have it engraved on the inside

And I wish I could have this one to go along with it.. so sparkly... a girl can dream

So I think we will get that one. It is so beautiful. To be honest its the one I preferred all along but its also the most expensive. Inshallah we will be able to get it on the weekend.

That's all for now.. Salams