Monday, February 28, 2011

Weekend at the Mountains

I was FINALLY  able to convince Mohamed to take me to Mount Tamborine yesterday. I say finally cos he's been promising to take me for maybe six months now, weekend after weekend, but something always seems to come up, or our cars break down, or he's late (sometimes I think he does it on purpose)... But yesterday we finally did it. And I must admit, we both had a really good time. 

The mountain is only a 15-20 minute drive from the Gold Coast, so its pretty close. Of course he was dreading it at first but once we got there he was so excited and loved it. We went for a 1.4 km walk first and that was pretty muddy and yucky but we survived.. and he was holding my hand helping me navigate all the rocks and mud.. so cute how he was acting all manly.. until he saw a lizard and ran away waving his hands in the air and screaming like a girl.. [see lizard in bottom-left of collage]

When we finished that we went toward the glow-worm caves. But we didn't realise they close so early so we didnt make it. But instead we discovered they had a wedding expo that day.. and since we were on the market for wedding venues we were pretty lucky (actually Mhd had to drag me along in our muddy shoes..). We visited a few places and got brochures. They were all so lovely.. And they're able to provide halal catering and anything else we need and some of them even had two function rooms so we can separate the boys and the girls. Too bad I think they might just be out of our price range. But they were beautiful.

When we were done dreaming it was time to put in the hard work again. This time we went on the 4.2km walk at another part of the mountain. The track was much drier this time which was awesome, I really didn't want mud getting to the inside of my new shoes. I did get injured though. We were walking when a branch fell off a gigantic palm tree and hit my forearm. I heard the leaves rustle and I thought it was a big bird, but no.. It was a big branch heading right for me. My arm still hurts from it. But at the time I was just in shock. All I kept thinking was that if I went 5cm faster that branch would have hit my head with all its force. Subhanallah. Allah willed that I stood still in fear of a bird attack (I always get attacked by birds by the way), and it only hit my arm. But I am fine Alhamdulillah. Its just a bruise. So as long as I don't sleep on it I'll be fine Inshallah.

Anyway, we made our way to a much shorter trail along the creek. This one was familiar to me, I went there a few years ago with my cousin and sister. I had to drag Mhd there cos he just kept worrying about my arm. But it was worth it. I surprised him with a waterfall which lands in a rock pool. And this was the highlight of the trip. It was really beautiful and peaceful. And Mhd even went for a swim and he loved it. And I loved looking at him enjoying himself in the water.. He reminded me of a sweet child without a worry in the world. There's just something about going back to nature. It felt like thats the way it should be. I almost joined him but didn't have the right clothes. 

All in all it was a great day. By the end of the trip we were so exhausted. And starving. We didn't even think to bring some food, and I even forgot to have breakfast. We drove back home with the sunset with a smile on our faces making a promise to return soon.

We didn't get to take many pictures since we only had the phones with us. But here's a collage of the few I took (the good ones are with Mhd)

P.S. I'm starting to sense a pattern here.. every time he thinks something I want will be a bad idea, once he actually tries it he loves it and wants to go all the time. Hurray for me :-))