Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Me, on a diet

I found this recipe/diet book a couple of weeks ago while shopping with my sister. It looked pretty healthy and easy so we decided to give it a go. I liked the fact that the menu looked pretty balanced (I'd hate to starve myself), easy to make and tastes great (or so I've been told). And best if all, it's all planned out for you. My sister is better off with finances than me so she had a head start and ever since she started, I've been hearing great reviews. And now it's my turn.

I've finally collected all the ingredients and starting from today, I'm on a diet. And so far so good. I didn't feel hungry at all today and the snacks kept my energy up throughout the day. Although I must admit, I'm one of those people who munch throughout the night so I am feeling a bit peckish at the moment. But Inshallah this will go away and Inshallah I will stick to the meal plan and lose some weight. I've also been going for walks along the water a couple of nights a week and I am hoping to do that a little more frequently Inshallah.

This is the book I was talking about. It's only $15 at BigW and well worth it I think. My sister's been following it for only 6 days and I can already see a difference

Today was a good day Alhamdulillah. I woke up early, went to my sisters place and from there we went shopping till it was time to pick up my niece from playschool. All in all it was a great day :-)

The only bad thing was that i found out I can't see my fiancé till the weekend. He was planning to come see me tomorrow but unfortunately his car broke down after work :-(

Cao for now..