Monday, April 7, 2014

Mystery box

Assalamu Alaikum

I was studying one afternoon while Ibrahim was taking a nap, and once he woke up, we went out the door to find this big box sitting in the lounge room.

There was no sender name, no sender address... Just a big brown box with my name on it. I had no idea what it was or who it was from. As I started opening it, I saw it was a toy for Ibrahim. He was soooooo excited. I'm sure the photos speak for themselves (sorry about the bad quality, I took them from my phone while my camera was charging).

It turns out that his father sent it to him as a present. I did remember later that he asked me if it was ok if he sends him something, I was just expecting him to let me know when he sent it.

Ibrahim loved the it. He calls it his choo choo (he is really into trains at the moment, so pretty much anything with wheels is a choo choo, but this one is special).. He couldn't even wait for me to open it before he started playing with it.