Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Wedding update

Assalamu Aleikum..

Well... This has been quite a productive Ramadan Mashallah. The wedding plans are almost ready to go. With one major exception - we still didn't organise the Imam!!! He is almost impossible to get a hold of - it being Ramadan and all.

But other than that, the wedding planning is well and truly rolling. We have booked the hall, made the guest list, written the draft invitations (although we can't send them out just yet considering we still have to talk to the imam, grrr what a headache), and we are well on the way making the seat and table decorations (Mashallah my mum is very talented). The food budget is still a little blurry, but Inshallah we will get to that soon. And we also have our own apartment, too bad its just sitting there empty (because somebody feels too sorry for his flatmates to leave them paying his share of the rent, so he's now paying for two rentals - don't even get me started on that one). But Inshallah we will get moving soon, we have so much furniture etc at my parents house just waiting to be moved.

And then there's the studying - lol - I have barely touched it. It's really hard when there is so much stuff to do. Its hard enough concentrating while fasting, but now all my time is taken up with this wedding. But Inshallah when Ramadan is over, I will make some time for intensive study and catch up on what I missed. I'm only doing two subjects so it shouldn't be too hard. Not to even mention the 50% assignment due next week. No wonder I am so stressed out.

And speaking of Ramadan being over, I feel  so sad. This Ramadan went by quicker than ever. I pray to Allah to accept my fasting, praying, Qur'an, Zakah and all my ibadah, and to forgive my shortcomings.  I ask Allah to forgive my sins and to admit me to the highest Jannah and protect me from the punishment of the grave and from the hellfire. I pray that He blesses my family, guides them to do acts which will lead them to His pleasure and to forgive all their sins. I ask Allah to shower his mercy on the weak, the hungry, the oppressed and all the Muslims suffering around the world - I ask Allah to relieve their pain and rewards them for their suffering. Oh Allah bless this Ummah and admit us to the Gardens of Delight. Amin