Thursday, April 14, 2011

I love my hijab

Assalamu Alaykum
"I want people to know that when I choose to cover this way it’s because I am fighting against a systematic oppression against women in which women’s bodies are being sexualized and objectified. This is a different perspective and a different form of empowerment in which I think when I’m in public, my sexuality is in my control and people have to deal with my brain and who I really am and not judge me by my body. And if we want to really talk about the oppressive situation of women, let’s talk about all the eating disorders, all of the plastic surgery, all of the unhealthy diets that are being done, all in the name of having the perfect body. To me, this is liberating and this is empowering." - Hebah Ahmed (CNN interview)

You can find the video of this interview and a transcript in the link below

It's so true... women in this society have become the cheapest commodity.. used as objects by corporations and the like to help sell a product or to fill the desires of boys and men... the first thing we see is the image of a woman.. it takes a while for the mind to come through.

Well, no more for me. Alhamdulillah Allah has given me the hijab. It has changed my life so much. And all I can do is thank Allah for the blessing of hijab. When a person meets me, he speaks to my mind... nothing else comes into play. And yes that is the most liberating feeling I know of. As we were growing up, my parents always taught me and my sisters that the most valuable quality a person can have is the mind and heart. And now with this hijab I proudly wear it is really true. People will judge me on my heart and mind, and not look at my physical qualities. Alhamdulillah.

Hijab does have its challenges, all the stares and comments as you are walking down the street. But Alhamdilillah, what I am given in return is so much better. Wearing the hijab has changed me, and changed my self esteem too. I realised I am more secure, confident and free.

Alhamdulillah for everything