Assalamu Alaikum
It's the end of day one and I am exhausted. I just want to go to collapse in bed and sleep.
We decided to go shopping in Auburn today. The whole family went as well as my little cousin. We bumped into couple of friends along the way and it turns out my old Bosnian Dance teacher was around the corner holding a children's class. So we went along and surprised her. It was so good to catch up with her and some of the parents. We talked about memories and families. I really miss these people. There's not many people on the Gold Coast with a heart. Over there everyone wants something from you. It feels really good to be with people who were raised properly and with respect. And people who are simply genuine.
But anyway, we also had some yummy kebabs. Nothing beats Auburn kebabs. And ice cream and dessert. I'm also hoping to get sone halal McDonald's. Oh how I missed Maccas, as yucky as it is.
And not to mention the shopping.. We bought some tops, a couple of abayas and a skirt. Yes, I'm going to try wearing skirts. This one was really nice and I think I can wear it with quite a few tops. And the abayas are really nice and modern too. Inshallah I will wear them more often. I still need to go to the Hijab House store in Merrylands and see what I can find there. Inshallah I can do that in the morning tomorrow.
We also saw these beautiful serving sets and plates and trays etc etc. U have no idea how beautiful these were. If only I had more money I'd buy so much. It was so hard to walk away. Inshallah one day I will be able to buy them. I am hoping to at least buy a tea set while I'm here. It's not too expensive from what I remember. But the rest of the goodies will have to wait.
Alhamdulillah I'm really happy with today. And quite sad to see all that money go. But at least it was all worthwhile.
Inshallah tomorrow we will be back at Auburn, but this time at the Botanical Gardens. And I'd also like to go to Hijab House first thing in the morning.
Ok I'm off to bed now Inshallah
I'll talk to u soon
Saturday, April 30, 2011
Thursday, April 28, 2011
One sleep to go
Assalamu Alaykum
I am so excited. Tomorrow morning I am setting off on a road trip to Sydney Inshallah. The whole family is going together. Though I must admit I am dreading the 12 hr drive with my parents. They are always in a bad mood when it comes to driving anywhere. But still - I can't wait to see my grandma.
We won't be doing much. I'm just going there to see my grandma off before she flies to Bosnia. And I have an assignment to do so most likely I will be spending my time in the Library. But I will have to squeeze in a kebab or two from Auburn, the Islamic bookstore (once again in Auburn), and shopping in Merrylands. I heard they opened up a hijab house store in Merrylands so Inshallah I'l be able to check that one out this time.
Anyway... I'm off to finish packing. I have so much to do tonight.
Monday, April 25, 2011
Fishing Shishing
Assalaamu Alaykum
Yesterday I went fishing with my parents, youngest sister and my fiancé - or as my dad calls it "fishing shishing", gotta love my dad and all his quirkiness lol. I was a little unsure of going since I always equate fishing with boredom. But I'm glad I did cos it was a really nice and relaxing day. Once we all got there, the girls sat around talking while the boys showed off their fishing shishing skills. Later I went for a little walk with my mum and bought some fish and chips for everyone, followed by ice cream, some studying on my part, and finally another walk before going home to pray maghrib. I really enjoyed it.
I'm so happy that we get to spend some quality time together as a family. I really missed that while growing up. Inshallah we will have many more happy days to come where we will all be together. When I have my family Inshallah I would really like my children to have memories like these Inshallah. May Allah give me a happy righteous family, and may Allah make the family I have today be happy and healthy and righteous. Amin
Hmmm... what else did I do this long weekend??
Oh yeah - we went to the markets (didn't buy much... but it was the only thing open during the public holidays so we though why not??)... AND we also went to the movies and watched Fast and Furious 4. It was pretty good, but not as good as I expected... And other than that it was mostly just sitting around at home (with or without guests) or going for a walk by the beach. Same-old same-old I guess...
That's all I have for now.. its past my bedtime...
Yesterday I went fishing with my parents, youngest sister and my fiancé - or as my dad calls it "fishing shishing", gotta love my dad and all his quirkiness lol. I was a little unsure of going since I always equate fishing with boredom. But I'm glad I did cos it was a really nice and relaxing day. Once we all got there, the girls sat around talking while the boys showed off their fishing shishing skills. Later I went for a little walk with my mum and bought some fish and chips for everyone, followed by ice cream, some studying on my part, and finally another walk before going home to pray maghrib. I really enjoyed it.
I'm so happy that we get to spend some quality time together as a family. I really missed that while growing up. Inshallah we will have many more happy days to come where we will all be together. When I have my family Inshallah I would really like my children to have memories like these Inshallah. May Allah give me a happy righteous family, and may Allah make the family I have today be happy and healthy and righteous. Amin
Hmmm... what else did I do this long weekend??
Oh yeah - we went to the markets (didn't buy much... but it was the only thing open during the public holidays so we though why not??)... AND we also went to the movies and watched Fast and Furious 4. It was pretty good, but not as good as I expected... And other than that it was mostly just sitting around at home (with or without guests) or going for a walk by the beach. Same-old same-old I guess...
That's all I have for now.. its past my bedtime...
He's finally here..
Assalamu Alaikum...
I have some great news for you... My friend gave birth today to a beautiful baby boy. Mashallah. He kept us waiting for 9 months and two weeks, but now he's finally arrived. Alhamdulillah both mother and son are in good health... and the whole family is very happy to be blessed with this gift from Allah.
I went to the hospital with my sisters this afternoon. Mashallah he is gorgeous. Makes me want one too {patience Laylah, patience}.. It's also the first grandchild on both sides so ye... I guess everyone couldn't be more pleased. The mother was in labour since thursday.. and the doctors ended up performing a c-section today. But she is just happy that the baby is finally here.
May Allah remove her sins from her. May He bless the child, and guide him to be righteous. And may Allah bless their family and grant them all the best in this life and in the hereafter. Amin.
Other than that.. I haven't been up to much, other than studying for my exams (which Alhamdulillah are over for now...) They went ok... some better than others. But Inshallah I will pass.
I have some great news for you... My friend gave birth today to a beautiful baby boy. Mashallah. He kept us waiting for 9 months and two weeks, but now he's finally arrived. Alhamdulillah both mother and son are in good health... and the whole family is very happy to be blessed with this gift from Allah.
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Me, my sister's and H's baby |
May Allah remove her sins from her. May He bless the child, and guide him to be righteous. And may Allah bless their family and grant them all the best in this life and in the hereafter. Amin.
Other than that.. I haven't been up to much, other than studying for my exams (which Alhamdulillah are over for now...) They went ok... some better than others. But Inshallah I will pass.
Friday, April 15, 2011
The day before my first exam
Assalaamu Alaykum,
It's the day before my first exam of the year, and I am sick. There's not a bone in my body that doesn't hurt, I have trouble breathing, my whole face is numb and swollen, and my head feels like it's ready to explode. But that's not the only bug I caught today. I also caught the cleaning bug.
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I was not happy though |

But I am still worried about my friend H. She is now a week overdue with her first baby, and she could be in labor even as we speak Inshallah. Ya Allah please bring on the birth of the baby, make it easy for my friend and give her a successful birth and a healthy baby who will be a blessing for the couple. Ya Allah please protect both mother and baby and give them health. Amin
Thursday, April 14, 2011
I love my hijab
Assalamu Alaykum

You can find the video of this interview and a transcript in the link below
It's so true... women in this society have become the cheapest commodity.. used as objects by corporations and the like to help sell a product or to fill the desires of boys and men... the first thing we see is the image of a woman.. it takes a while for the mind to come through.
Well, no more for me. Alhamdulillah Allah has given me the hijab. It has changed my life so much. And all I can do is thank Allah for the blessing of hijab. When a person meets me, he speaks to my mind... nothing else comes into play. And yes that is the most liberating feeling I know of. As we were growing up, my parents always taught me and my sisters that the most valuable quality a person can have is the mind and heart. And now with this hijab I proudly wear it is really true. People will judge me on my heart and mind, and not look at my physical qualities. Alhamdulillah.
Hijab does have its challenges, all the stares and comments as you are walking down the street. But Alhamdilillah, what I am given in return is so much better. Wearing the hijab has changed me, and changed my self esteem too. I realised I am more secure, confident and free.
Alhamdulillah for everything
"I want people to know that when I choose to cover this way it’s because I am fighting against a systematic oppression against women in which women’s bodies are being sexualized and objectified. This is a different perspective and a different form of empowerment in which I think when I’m in public, my sexuality is in my control and people have to deal with my brain and who I really am and not judge me by my body. And if we want to really talk about the oppressive situation of women, let’s talk about all the eating disorders, all of the plastic surgery, all of the unhealthy diets that are being done, all in the name of having the perfect body. To me, this is liberating and this is empowering." - Hebah Ahmed (CNN interview)
You can find the video of this interview and a transcript in the link below
It's so true... women in this society have become the cheapest commodity.. used as objects by corporations and the like to help sell a product or to fill the desires of boys and men... the first thing we see is the image of a woman.. it takes a while for the mind to come through.
Well, no more for me. Alhamdulillah Allah has given me the hijab. It has changed my life so much. And all I can do is thank Allah for the blessing of hijab. When a person meets me, he speaks to my mind... nothing else comes into play. And yes that is the most liberating feeling I know of. As we were growing up, my parents always taught me and my sisters that the most valuable quality a person can have is the mind and heart. And now with this hijab I proudly wear it is really true. People will judge me on my heart and mind, and not look at my physical qualities. Alhamdulillah.
Hijab does have its challenges, all the stares and comments as you are walking down the street. But Alhamdilillah, what I am given in return is so much better. Wearing the hijab has changed me, and changed my self esteem too. I realised I am more secure, confident and free.
Alhamdulillah for everything
Tuesday, April 12, 2011
So... my sister comes over and storms into my room this morning while I was studying in my pyjamas
Should've just stuck with the first two sis.... the last one wrecked it
(She hasn't seen me without hijab for quite a while)
Should've just stuck with the first two sis.... the last one wrecked it
(She hasn't seen me without hijab for quite a while)
Monday, April 11, 2011
Beating the Blues with Shukr
Assalamu Alaykum
We have all felt a little down about ourselves - our looks, our personality... We have all put ourselves down.. I found this article very inspiring Mashallah, it really sets things straight.
Beating the Blues with Shukr -
"... I’d like to present an idea that helped me deal with a lot of problems: shukr. Yeah. Thankfulness. You might ask why and how thankfulness has anything to do with all of the above. Well, the answer is simple: our minds, our hearts, and our bodies do not belong to us; they are in fact, a gift from Allah. And when we abuse ourselves, by putting ourselves down, we are actually showing ungratefulness to Allah’s creation! It shows our discontentment and our displeasure with the very blessings Allah has given us. Instead of being grateful and using these blessings in a manner that pleases Him, we reach a very high level of ungratefulness when we tell ourselves we are just not good enough."
- taken from the abovementioned link
What do you Love Most about your Parents? |
Assalamu Alaykum
I stumbled upon this article, when I really should be studying for Saturday's exam. It brought me to tears - take a look
Reader’s Opinion: What do you Love Most about your Parents? |
I don't know if I mentioned it earlier, but my relationship with my mother isn't exactly pleasant. It has been up and down and full of pain. I have been trying so hard to improve it on my part, but it has a long way to go especially because of the lack of trust I have. But Inshallah, with the help of Allah, I can be a good daughter despite the pain I have in my heart. I have spent so many nights in tears, both tears of pain and tears of regret that we are not as close as we should be, as well as tears for the guidance from Allah. I never really felt the love and support from my mother. I know the love is there, my mum's just not the nurturing, sensitive type of women. I do believe she has tried her best. She's had a tough life and she it left her ill both physically and psychologically. But my heart is still aching for that support.
But as I said, I am doing the best on my part to mend the relationship. I have always felt that I had to be the grown up in this family. But I love her unconditionally and I am so grateful for all that she she has done for us and all the sacrifices she has made.
These are some hints I took from the article above. I really recommend reading it.
A few reminders:
1- Make duaa for your parents, all the time. You can raise their rank in Paradise.
On the authority of Abu Hurayrah may Allah be pleased with him who said, The Prophet may Allah’s Peace and Blessings be upon him and his family said: “Indeed A person’s status will be raised in Paradise and he will ask, ‘How is this for me?’ He will be told, ‘By your child’s seeking forgiveness for you.” (Ibn Majah, Authentic according to al-Albani)
2- Many of us may not have the best relationship with our parents. Although our parents may be in the wrong sometimes, at the end of the day, it is a part of being Muslim to treat them with the best of manners and in the best way. This life is too short to give our parent’s attitude. Don’t wait until you see your parents carried out of the masjid in a box to realize how much better they deserved from you.
3- One of the salaf was seen crying after his mother died. Those around him asked him why he was crying because his mother was righteous. He responded that he is crying because the largest gate of Jannah just closed for him. Don’t wait until that largest gate of Jannah is closed in your face to realize how easy it could have been to enter through it.
4- Make duaa for the guidance of the non-Muslim parents of our brothers and sisters. This reminder from Abu Taubah will give us – those with Muslim parents – a glimpse of what they may go through
5- If your parents have passed away (may Allah have mercy on all the deceased Muslims), you can still honor them. See reminder #1
P.S. please honour your parents
I stumbled upon this article, when I really should be studying for Saturday's exam. It brought me to tears - take a look
Reader’s Opinion: What do you Love Most about your Parents? |
I don't know if I mentioned it earlier, but my relationship with my mother isn't exactly pleasant. It has been up and down and full of pain. I have been trying so hard to improve it on my part, but it has a long way to go especially because of the lack of trust I have. But Inshallah, with the help of Allah, I can be a good daughter despite the pain I have in my heart. I have spent so many nights in tears, both tears of pain and tears of regret that we are not as close as we should be, as well as tears for the guidance from Allah. I never really felt the love and support from my mother. I know the love is there, my mum's just not the nurturing, sensitive type of women. I do believe she has tried her best. She's had a tough life and she it left her ill both physically and psychologically. But my heart is still aching for that support.
But as I said, I am doing the best on my part to mend the relationship. I have always felt that I had to be the grown up in this family. But I love her unconditionally and I am so grateful for all that she she has done for us and all the sacrifices she has made.
These are some hints I took from the article above. I really recommend reading it.
A few reminders:
1- Make duaa for your parents, all the time. You can raise their rank in Paradise.
On the authority of Abu Hurayrah may Allah be pleased with him who said, The Prophet may Allah’s Peace and Blessings be upon him and his family said: “Indeed A person’s status will be raised in Paradise and he will ask, ‘How is this for me?’ He will be told, ‘By your child’s seeking forgiveness for you.” (Ibn Majah, Authentic according to al-Albani)
2- Many of us may not have the best relationship with our parents. Although our parents may be in the wrong sometimes, at the end of the day, it is a part of being Muslim to treat them with the best of manners and in the best way. This life is too short to give our parent’s attitude. Don’t wait until you see your parents carried out of the masjid in a box to realize how much better they deserved from you.
3- One of the salaf was seen crying after his mother died. Those around him asked him why he was crying because his mother was righteous. He responded that he is crying because the largest gate of Jannah just closed for him. Don’t wait until that largest gate of Jannah is closed in your face to realize how easy it could have been to enter through it.
4- Make duaa for the guidance of the non-Muslim parents of our brothers and sisters. This reminder from Abu Taubah will give us – those with Muslim parents – a glimpse of what they may go through
5- If your parents have passed away (may Allah have mercy on all the deceased Muslims), you can still honor them. See reminder #1
P.S. please honour your parents
Sunday, April 10, 2011
The ring :))
Yep, we bought the ring :))) well actually we bought two rings :))) yep, two rings :))))
They are so beautiful.
We were going to BigW to buy a bandage for my wrist and a thermos flask for The fiance... But we stumbled upon a jewelery store and as usual we had to stop and have a little quarrel comparing rings. I just wanted a little wedding ring with diamonds and he wanted a big one with a big rock. He just didnt understand that in my culture, u need a WEDDING ring and that no matter how big and fancy a ring was, if it wasnt a wedding ring - its not a wedding ring. And in the middle of our quarrel we found a set, it had a wedding ring similar to what I was after and a nice engagement ring which was all that he wanted. And yes, it was a little too big for my liking, but once I tried it, I really liked it. Only problem was, it was 9 carat gold, and I really don't like the dullness of nine carat gold. And just as I was saying this, (I was going to settle for it anyway) the sales lady pulled out this beautiful engagement ring that was very similar to that one but in 18 ct gold, AND (wait for it) MY WEDDING RING to go with it. Yes, that ring that I fell in love with all those months ago.
It doesn't need to be said, but I was in love. So we got these two gorgeous rings for the price I was prepared to pay for one of them. The engagement ring was highly discounted (70% off) and she gave me the ring I wanted for half price also. So yaaaay!!! I'm so happy.
And I love Mhd just that little bit more now. I cant wait for the wedding. Inshallah we won't have to wait too long.
But now that the fiance went home, and everyone else went to the park, its time to do a little spring cleaning (in Autumn). I am planning to clean and rearrange my room today so I can study in peace tomorrow Inshallah.
Thursday, April 7, 2011
Being a lazy bum...
Assalaamu Alaykum
I've been slacking off with my studies quite a bit in the last week or so. I just can't get started. I don't know what's up with me.
Maybe I need a change of scenery or something.
I've also been pretty tired too and can't concentrate too well. It might be that the reality of studying is kicking in. Although I thought that when I dropped EU Law it might be easier to stay on top of things, but I'm only now falling behind in all the other subjects.
I'm also feeling really upset about my grandma leaving. I dont want to be selfish, but its really hurting me thay she wont be there for my wedding. I cant imagine it without her. If only there was a way to get married while she is here. But we really can't. Mohamed's starting a new job and its their policy to withhold two weeks pay as a deposit, so even the savings we have now are going to be used up for rent and petrol etc etc. Lets hope this whole courier business works out. The pay is quite good but u do have to pay your own fuel and other expenses.
Its really frustrating.
I spoke to my mum yesterday and she was saying maybe we should perform the nikkah ceremony now and have the wedding later. I really wish we could cos that would get things moving and my grandma could be there. But now we dont even have money for bond, or to fly his family over from NZ, let alone anything else.
So I dunno. I should just forget about this wedding business and focus on studying. But then again, that isnt working out either.
Ya Allah, please help us on this path to getting married and bless us with a good, solid marriage full of emaan, love and happiness. Ya Allah, help me focus on my studies and grant me success in this life and in the hereafter. Ya Allah, remove from me the laziness and miserliness that I feel. Amin.
I think I'm gonna read some Qur'an before I attempt studying again Inshallah. I haven't been able to read for a week.
Sunday, April 3, 2011
Weekend so far
Assalamu Alaykum
The weekend so far has been going great Alhamdulillah. It started off on Friday night with an Arabic class followed by a tafseer lesson at uni. The Sheikh spoke about Surah Al Qari'ah. I love these Islamic classes on Friday nights. It's a great way to end a stressful week and make you reflect on what's really important. My fiancé picked me up cos it ended at 10pm, and dropped me off back home on the Gold Coast.
Today I got quite a bit of study done and did some job applications in the morning/early afternoon while my fiancé was working with my dad. My favourite Egyptian family friends came to visit us in the afternoon, which is always a welcome treat. They helped me a lot with my family when I decided to put on the hijab, so they will always have a place in my heart. I even managed to squeeze in a shopping trip in there somewhere.. I didn't buy much but it was a good study break. After Maghrib we went to the park for a barbeque with my family. It was a great night, really relaxing. I had a chance to take some family snaps, which I haven't done in a while.. Here's a collage of my favourite photos
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Fun at the Park |
Inshallah the rest of the weekend will be as nice as the last couple of days...
Friday, April 1, 2011
Assalamu Alaykum
After weeks of trying so hard to keep on top of things, I've finally decided to not risk failing and just drop the subject. It is soooo complicated it's killing me. I've spoken to the fiancé and yeah it will change the baby plans and the moving interstate plans, but he's the one who gave me the final push to drop it. It's just not worth the risk of failing, either this or one of the other subjects. I'm really struggling with it so ye.. It's gone.
I might even catch up next semester, or I might get that credit transfer from Bond Uni Inshallah. If not, at least I can do Immigration and Refugee Law next year, which I've been sooo looking forward to before I found out it wasn't on offer this year.. Alhamdulillah for everything. It's such a relief.
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