I have some bad news for you.. Actually it really good news in that it's a great thing to be happening, but bad news for me cos the timing is all wrong.
I just found out my grandma, the most beautiful person in my life, has booked her plane ticket to go to Bosnia in early May.. like I said - its great news for everyone involved, including my grandma and my family overseas.. they will be able to see each other after so many years and spend some time together.
The bad news is that unless we make a big dash and plan this thing within the month, my beloved grandma, my queen and my source of inspiration, won't be at my wedding. She's going for something like six months. It brings a tear to my eye just thinking about it. I can't have a wedding without my grandma. She means too much to me. But don't be surprised if we just bring everyone down to Sydney and have our wedding there, at least the Nikkah. I have always dreamed of having my wedding in the Botanical Gardens in Auburn ever since I was a little girl playing there.
On the other hand I am really happy that she has the opportunity to go to Europe again. She has a son there, as well as brothers and sisters who she hasn't seen for years, not to mention other cousins and relatives. It would be really good for everyone over there. But I will miss her. I already do.. She's been in Sydney staying with my auntie for a month or so.. I really need to call her and have a talk with her.. I haven't heard her voice in weeks. Inshallah I will do that tomorrow..
But for now, its time for me to go to sleep. It's getting pretty late and I think those pain killers are finally starting to kick in...
Assalaamu Alaykum and Good Night.