Monday, April 7, 2014

A new camera and Ibby's new hair

Assalamu alaikum


My phone stopped working.

And my camera has been missing for longer than I can remember.

And even if my phone was not out of action, the camera on there hasn't been good for quite some time (must have something to do with the million or so times I have dropped it).

My new camera
So days of feeling anxiety over missing any more precious time in my baby's life, I bit my lip and went out and bought a new camera. It is nothing fancy, just a normal compact camera. But trust me, if you had a large chunk of memories with your one and only child go missing because of stressful situations, you would want to capture as many memories with your little one as you could. The anxiety of not having a camera really got to me, so instead of waiting and waiting to have enough money and time to fix my phone and have a blurry camera, I went out and bought one. It did put my goals a bit out of whack and played with my finances, but I needed that camera. And those precious moments.

I have since then also had my phone fixed. But as I said, the camera is a bit dodgy and the pictures come out blurry and dark. So I needed to use a camera, and after turning the whole house upside down trying to find the one I bought just before Ibby was born, I gave up and bought a new one. I could always sell my old one or give it to Adisa, she did say she wanted one. In sha Allah this one will be good.

Ibby also had his first hair cut that day. At first I was scared, I really didn't want to lose his curls. But mashaAllah, he is gorgeous either way. And the curls are already starting to grow back Alhamdulillah.

After his first haircut
After he woke up from his nap, I just couldn't stop hugging him. MashaAllah, he looks so grown up, like a real boy. I really miss his fluff... but it was getting out of control so it had to go.