Monday, February 28, 2011
Weekend at the Mountains
I was FINALLY able to convince Mohamed to take me to Mount Tamborine yesterday. I say finally cos he's been promising to take me for maybe six months now, weekend after weekend, but something always seems to come up, or our cars break down, or he's late (sometimes I think he does it on purpose)... But yesterday we finally did it. And I must admit, we both had a really good time.
The mountain is only a 15-20 minute drive from the Gold Coast, so its pretty close. Of course he was dreading it at first but once we got there he was so excited and loved it. We went for a 1.4 km walk first and that was pretty muddy and yucky but we survived.. and he was holding my hand helping me navigate all the rocks and mud.. so cute how he was acting all manly.. until he saw a lizard and ran away waving his hands in the air and screaming like a girl.. [see lizard in bottom-left of collage]
When we finished that we went toward the glow-worm caves. But we didn't realise they close so early so we didnt make it. But instead we discovered they had a wedding expo that day.. and since we were on the market for wedding venues we were pretty lucky (actually Mhd had to drag me along in our muddy shoes..). We visited a few places and got brochures. They were all so lovely.. And they're able to provide halal catering and anything else we need and some of them even had two function rooms so we can separate the boys and the girls. Too bad I think they might just be out of our price range. But they were beautiful.
When we were done dreaming it was time to put in the hard work again. This time we went on the 4.2km walk at another part of the mountain. The track was much drier this time which was awesome, I really didn't want mud getting to the inside of my new shoes. I did get injured though. We were walking when a branch fell off a gigantic palm tree and hit my forearm. I heard the leaves rustle and I thought it was a big bird, but no.. It was a big branch heading right for me. My arm still hurts from it. But at the time I was just in shock. All I kept thinking was that if I went 5cm faster that branch would have hit my head with all its force. Subhanallah. Allah willed that I stood still in fear of a bird attack (I always get attacked by birds by the way), and it only hit my arm. But I am fine Alhamdulillah. Its just a bruise. So as long as I don't sleep on it I'll be fine Inshallah.
Anyway, we made our way to a much shorter trail along the creek. This one was familiar to me, I went there a few years ago with my cousin and sister. I had to drag Mhd there cos he just kept worrying about my arm. But it was worth it. I surprised him with a waterfall which lands in a rock pool. And this was the highlight of the trip. It was really beautiful and peaceful. And Mhd even went for a swim and he loved it. And I loved looking at him enjoying himself in the water.. He reminded me of a sweet child without a worry in the world. There's just something about going back to nature. It felt like thats the way it should be. I almost joined him but didn't have the right clothes.
All in all it was a great day. By the end of the trip we were so exhausted. And starving. We didn't even think to bring some food, and I even forgot to have breakfast. We drove back home with the sunset with a smile on our faces making a promise to return soon.
We didn't get to take many pictures since we only had the phones with us. But here's a collage of the few I took (the good ones are with Mhd)
P.S. I'm starting to sense a pattern here.. every time he thinks something I want will be a bad idea, once he actually tries it he loves it and wants to go all the time. Hurray for me :-))
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
Quick little update
I've been sooo busy these past couple of days, I've hardly had a chance to slow down and breathe let alone put my thoughts on paper (err.. that doesn't quite fit huh).
I've been running around getting things organized for uni - textbooks, folders, page dividers, printing, binding... The list goes on. The textbooks cost me a fortune already and I still have one to go. It's driving me nuts. I'm also trying to get a credit transfer from Bond Uni for the one and only law subject I managed to pass in my six months there.
Plus, my cousin from Sydney is staying with us for a couple of weeks with a broken heart. So now on top of all the uni mess there are two broken hearts I'm trying to mend (my other cousin also broke up with his fiancé of 2 years). I'm glad to help with whatever I can. I remember the time when I had my heart broken. It hurt like nothing before.
And then there's the usual cooking and cleaning (multiplied by 3) as well as a never-ending washing cycle. My washing machine must've had one heck of a workout. I don't get it why some people find it so hard to put their clothes in the machine and press a few buttons. I guess it's easier to just chuck them on the floor and let me deal with it. Seriously, we are all grown ups here. Would be nice if someone else (ie my sister) would help out every once in a while. Not to mention the dishes. I would LOOOVE to just once walk into the kitchen and not find a sink full of dishes. I hate being the only one in this house who can't stand the sight of mess. But anyway.. Enough ranting for me.
Hmmm I'm pretty sure there's more.. Oh yeah, the car hunting. How can I forget the car hunting.
And I haven't been a good girl when it comes to the diet. I've been so stressed out lately that I just gave in and ate some yummy buttery Bosnian food. And once u do it the first time your power to resist plummets. And it doesn't help when everyone else is always pressuring me to eat either. So I've given up on the diet for now. But I'm starting back from the beginning from Wednesday Inshallah.
And the insomnia isn't helping either. I think it's about time I go get some sleeping pills. I hate taking them but I think it's time, especially with uni just around the corner.
Anyway.. Looks like this quick little update isn't so quick and little. I'd better go and try to get some sleep (LOL).
I pray to Allah to ease the pain of my cousins and to turn their hearts towards Him (Allah). And I Pray that Allah keeps me and Mhd steady and allow us to love each other and care for each other and to give us a blessed marriage and salih children. Amin.
Take care people.
I've been running around getting things organized for uni - textbooks, folders, page dividers, printing, binding... The list goes on. The textbooks cost me a fortune already and I still have one to go. It's driving me nuts. I'm also trying to get a credit transfer from Bond Uni for the one and only law subject I managed to pass in my six months there.
Plus, my cousin from Sydney is staying with us for a couple of weeks with a broken heart. So now on top of all the uni mess there are two broken hearts I'm trying to mend (my other cousin also broke up with his fiancé of 2 years). I'm glad to help with whatever I can. I remember the time when I had my heart broken. It hurt like nothing before.
And then there's the usual cooking and cleaning (multiplied by 3) as well as a never-ending washing cycle. My washing machine must've had one heck of a workout. I don't get it why some people find it so hard to put their clothes in the machine and press a few buttons. I guess it's easier to just chuck them on the floor and let me deal with it. Seriously, we are all grown ups here. Would be nice if someone else (ie my sister) would help out every once in a while. Not to mention the dishes. I would LOOOVE to just once walk into the kitchen and not find a sink full of dishes. I hate being the only one in this house who can't stand the sight of mess. But anyway.. Enough ranting for me.
Hmmm I'm pretty sure there's more.. Oh yeah, the car hunting. How can I forget the car hunting.
And I haven't been a good girl when it comes to the diet. I've been so stressed out lately that I just gave in and ate some yummy buttery Bosnian food. And once u do it the first time your power to resist plummets. And it doesn't help when everyone else is always pressuring me to eat either. So I've given up on the diet for now. But I'm starting back from the beginning from Wednesday Inshallah.
And the insomnia isn't helping either. I think it's about time I go get some sleeping pills. I hate taking them but I think it's time, especially with uni just around the corner.
Anyway.. Looks like this quick little update isn't so quick and little. I'd better go and try to get some sleep (LOL).
I pray to Allah to ease the pain of my cousins and to turn their hearts towards Him (Allah). And I Pray that Allah keeps me and Mhd steady and allow us to love each other and care for each other and to give us a blessed marriage and salih children. Amin.
Take care people.
Saturday, February 19, 2011
What's keeping me busy...
Ok so I haven't blogged anything for a while.. but I had a reason this time.
Since my final year of uni starts just around the corner, I had to get going on a few things I planned to do before that, but just kept putting off cos the holidays seemed never-ending. But its dawned on me that unless I do it now, it will be put aside untill the semester is over.
My main goal was to complete the Diploma of Foundations of Islamic Studies from the Islamic Online University (see here) which I discovered on facebook of all places while procrastinating studying for my final exam last year. I've been doing bits and pieces for the last couple of months, but its only been the last week or so that I put my head down and studied hard. And I have to say I'm pretty proud of my effort and I hope Inshallah to continue studying with such regularity and motivation when the real-life university semester starts. So ye.. I'm almost finished now, did all the modules and tests in about 2 weeks and now I just have to do the assignments. I am really pleased with the program and would recommend it to anyone interested in improving their knowledge of the deen in their own time and at their own pace. And did I mention its free?? They have quite a few courses on there and Inshallah I will get back to it when I get a chance. They are pretty interesting. And they also offer a BA in Islamic Studies (completely free) for all those who are interested in higher-level study. I for one would be happy to just finish my law degree for now before I even think about commencing another one.
I've also started the Arabic Reading and Writing Diploma, mainly for the writing bit since I already taught myself to read, but I do want to make sure I m reading properly too. But I plan to work on this one on a slower pace and not pressure myself once uni starts.
But anyway.. I'm gonna try and get some shut-eye. I haven't slept more than 2 hours for the last 3-4 nights. As soon as I hit the bed I get wide awake.
Since my final year of uni starts just around the corner, I had to get going on a few things I planned to do before that, but just kept putting off cos the holidays seemed never-ending. But its dawned on me that unless I do it now, it will be put aside untill the semester is over.
My main goal was to complete the Diploma of Foundations of Islamic Studies from the Islamic Online University (see here) which I discovered on facebook of all places while procrastinating studying for my final exam last year. I've been doing bits and pieces for the last couple of months, but its only been the last week or so that I put my head down and studied hard. And I have to say I'm pretty proud of my effort and I hope Inshallah to continue studying with such regularity and motivation when the real-life university semester starts. So ye.. I'm almost finished now, did all the modules and tests in about 2 weeks and now I just have to do the assignments. I am really pleased with the program and would recommend it to anyone interested in improving their knowledge of the deen in their own time and at their own pace. And did I mention its free?? They have quite a few courses on there and Inshallah I will get back to it when I get a chance. They are pretty interesting. And they also offer a BA in Islamic Studies (completely free) for all those who are interested in higher-level study. I for one would be happy to just finish my law degree for now before I even think about commencing another one.
I've also started the Arabic Reading and Writing Diploma, mainly for the writing bit since I already taught myself to read, but I do want to make sure I m reading properly too. But I plan to work on this one on a slower pace and not pressure myself once uni starts.
But anyway.. I'm gonna try and get some shut-eye. I haven't slept more than 2 hours for the last 3-4 nights. As soon as I hit the bed I get wide awake.
Monday, February 7, 2011
Another weekend gone by
Another weekend has gone by... feels like they're just slipping away...
On Saturday we went out for a barbeque by the water with the whole family, aunts, uncles and cousins included.. which was a bit of a bummer since I am on that diet and couldn't have all that yummy food. But it was good.. I played around with my little niece and went for a long long walk. It was good to catch up with my cousin since I haven't really spent any time with him in a long time. We used to be really close when we were younger but I guess we just grew apart.
And Mr M came over on Sunday.. But it was such a moody day for me.. everything just got to me and all those emotions building up inside just burst. But Alhamdulillah things are fine. I am so grateful that Allah has sent me such a wonderful man who is there for me always.
I went for another walk by the beach today with my sister. It was really nice and relaxing. Except by the end of it I did feel quite worn out. I've been wearing those Reebok Easy-Tone sneakers every day for about a week and the muscles at the back of my legs are getting tired. I think I should give them a break and just wear normal shoes for tomorrow. By the way those shoes are awesome. I was a little skeptical when I first heard about them and even when I bought them, but they are really great and you can feel them working within 2-3 minutes of walking. And they look great also :). I wear them all the time - for workouts, to the shops and just generally whenever I am out (if my outfit permits). I would definitely recommend them to anyone.
But unfortunately that incident I talked about in the last blog post really got to me. I flinch at every sound I hear and I am really scared to be in a place where there isn't many people, let alone going out by myself. I pray to Allah to keep me safe. Amin.
Anyway... I'm off to have a shower and to read the Qur'an for a bit before I go to sleep Inshallah.
Take care
On Saturday we went out for a barbeque by the water with the whole family, aunts, uncles and cousins included.. which was a bit of a bummer since I am on that diet and couldn't have all that yummy food. But it was good.. I played around with my little niece and went for a long long walk. It was good to catch up with my cousin since I haven't really spent any time with him in a long time. We used to be really close when we were younger but I guess we just grew apart.
And Mr M came over on Sunday.. But it was such a moody day for me.. everything just got to me and all those emotions building up inside just burst. But Alhamdulillah things are fine. I am so grateful that Allah has sent me such a wonderful man who is there for me always.
I went for another walk by the beach today with my sister. It was really nice and relaxing. Except by the end of it I did feel quite worn out. I've been wearing those Reebok Easy-Tone sneakers every day for about a week and the muscles at the back of my legs are getting tired. I think I should give them a break and just wear normal shoes for tomorrow. By the way those shoes are awesome. I was a little skeptical when I first heard about them and even when I bought them, but they are really great and you can feel them working within 2-3 minutes of walking. And they look great also :). I wear them all the time - for workouts, to the shops and just generally whenever I am out (if my outfit permits). I would definitely recommend them to anyone.
But unfortunately that incident I talked about in the last blog post really got to me. I flinch at every sound I hear and I am really scared to be in a place where there isn't many people, let alone going out by myself. I pray to Allah to keep me safe. Amin.
Anyway... I'm off to have a shower and to read the Qur'an for a bit before I go to sleep Inshallah.
Take care
Thursday, February 3, 2011
Why I'm scared to walk alone...
When I have a goal I like to keep my plans organised. And I have the diet down, the support, the motivation. But not the exercise plan. I would love to say with certainty that I'm gonna get out there three mornings a week and just walk like I used to, but I can't. This is one of those times where I wish I could just blend in.
So just as I finally get over the new-hijabi "but everyone will look at me" excuse/fear, this happens. Today I thought I might squeeze in some exercise by taking the 15 minute walk to the shops from my sisters place instead of driving. The walk there was great and we had a great time. But on the way back some druggo bogan who seemed to be suffering from some sort of withdrawal symptoms rides by on his bike and screamed out some of the most lewd obscenities against me, my hijab, and worst of all, against Allah that I have ever heard. It doesn't need to be said, but it terrified me. There I was minding my own business walking home with my sister, and her 15mth old daughter might I add, and he screamed at the top of his lungs at us (well at me since I was the only hijabi there). And he kept screaming while riding away, in that typical manner you see of serial offenders high on drugs. I can't explain how scary his voice was on paper. This wasn't the average bogan you would see sitting outside the pub or at the bus stop minding his own business or giving me the odd stare or a "go back to your own country". This guy was different and his voice was deafening and you could hear the effects of long time drug abuse..
But I was fine Alhamdulillah. Like I told my sister I am happy. I have some thing so irreplaceable. I have this deen of ours. I put my trust in Allah and my hope in Allah, and who was he to try and bring me down?
But then just as my heartbeat calmed down a little, he came back to have another go. He even threatened me. He said "How dare you come out around here like that you f****n &^$@$^... you &%$@#%^... Don't you dare let me see you around here dressed like that you *^@$^... If I ever see you dressed like that again I will slit your throat!" That last one scared me. Just to think that there are people living near me with so much hatred in their hearts is terrifying. I couldn't believe it. Like I said, I even had a baby with me but that didn't matter apparently. There were quite a few people around and many cars drove by but they just looked on. I was just so glad that as we were approaching the main road near my sister's place a police car stopped at the lights we were on and we got home safe and sound.
Don't get me wrong, this is a pretty safe area. I don't live in a ghetto or anything. And I've done the walk from my sister's place to the shops so many times, at least every fortnight or maybe even weekly and it was fine. I've never had any rude comments around here. I'd even see the odd couple of hijabi's walking with their family more towards the residential side of the street. But there is this corner about half way there where there is a pub and a bottle shop and you would sometimes see young tattoo'd guys sitting around there or at the Domino's or bus stop. But like I said, they would mind their own business and would only occasionally stare, and just crossing the road does the trick. That doesn't scare me at all. What does scare me is when they are not sober and especially when it is obvious they are high on drugs or just getting off them. Thats when they are not in control of their thinking.
So ye... no more thoughts of walking alone for me... Although there are quite a few popular walking spots around here where I know I would be safe. Like at the park at the Southport Broadwater or by the beach. Especially the park by the water, that place always has Muslim families out with their kids. But I'd rather be safe than sorry, even around there. So ye.. I guess I'll have to stick to annoying everyone to come with me for a walk. Inshallah. But everyone's always too tired or too bored (or just plain fussy to be honest) when the heat is bearable enough to walk. I would just love to have the freedom of going as often as I like, when I like and at my own pace without depending on people's moods. But like I said, better safe than sorry.
I am soooo glad that Mr M (my fiancé with a popular Muslim name starting with M, I'm sure you could figure it out) is seriously considering moving to Sydney. I just blend in so well over there and I love it. As they say, there is safety in numbers.
On another note, the rest of the day went by pretty well. The diet is going fine.. today's lunch wasn't that great but the dinner made up for it. We had a chicken and salad wrap. I was out of meat for a while so to be able to finally get some in my stomach was great. And M's car is all fixed so Inshallah I'll be able to see him on the weekend.
Ooooh, and he's calling me now so I'd better go... take care and be safe :-)
Tuesday, February 1, 2011
Me, on a diet
I found this recipe/diet book a couple of weeks ago while shopping with my sister. It looked pretty healthy and easy so we decided to give it a go. I liked the fact that the menu looked pretty balanced (I'd hate to starve myself), easy to make and tastes great (or so I've been told). And best if all, it's all planned out for you. My sister is better off with finances than me so she had a head start and ever since she started, I've been hearing great reviews. And now it's my turn.
I've finally collected all the ingredients and starting from today, I'm on a diet. And so far so good. I didn't feel hungry at all today and the snacks kept my energy up throughout the day. Although I must admit, I'm one of those people who munch throughout the night so I am feeling a bit peckish at the moment. But Inshallah this will go away and Inshallah I will stick to the meal plan and lose some weight. I've also been going for walks along the water a couple of nights a week and I am hoping to do that a little more frequently Inshallah.
This is the book I was talking about. It's only $15 at BigW and well worth it I think. My sister's been following it for only 6 days and I can already see a difference

Today was a good day Alhamdulillah. I woke up early, went to my sisters place and from there we went shopping till it was time to pick up my niece from playschool. All in all it was a great day :-)
The only bad thing was that i found out I can't see my fiancé till the weekend. He was planning to come see me tomorrow but unfortunately his car broke down after work :-(
Cao for now..
I've finally collected all the ingredients and starting from today, I'm on a diet. And so far so good. I didn't feel hungry at all today and the snacks kept my energy up throughout the day. Although I must admit, I'm one of those people who munch throughout the night so I am feeling a bit peckish at the moment. But Inshallah this will go away and Inshallah I will stick to the meal plan and lose some weight. I've also been going for walks along the water a couple of nights a week and I am hoping to do that a little more frequently Inshallah.
This is the book I was talking about. It's only $15 at BigW and well worth it I think. My sister's been following it for only 6 days and I can already see a difference

Today was a good day Alhamdulillah. I woke up early, went to my sisters place and from there we went shopping till it was time to pick up my niece from playschool. All in all it was a great day :-)
The only bad thing was that i found out I can't see my fiancé till the weekend. He was planning to come see me tomorrow but unfortunately his car broke down after work :-(
Cao for now..
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